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arlo's d'var - ki tavo

09/30/2024 11:14:17 PM


Parshat Ki Tavo | Covenant ...

margot's d'var - Ki Tavo

09/30/2024 11:04:08 PM


Parshat Ki Tavo - Bnei Akiva of the US ...

If what I read sounded pleasing to you - don’t be disappointed when I tell you that I was actually saying that God told Moses to tell the Israelites that they will be struck with consumption, fever and inflammation with...Read more...

adar's d'var - v'etchanan

08/21/2024 10:09:26 AM


If Moses was so great - why don’t Jews worship him?

Other religions revere often through prayer their most important prophets. So why don’t us Jews honor our most important prophet, Moses in the same way? 

Before I talk about that, let me tell you something about my...Read more...

jonah's d'var torah - parshat devarim

08/12/2024 04:45:18 PM


Should you always listen to G-d's commandments, even if it feels like the wrong thing to do? This is a question I had and am going to address in this D'var Torah.

But first I am going to tell you what Parshat Devarim is about. 

My parshah is the first portion...

molly's d'var - parshat b'reishit

10/17/2023 12:02:33 PM


In the beginning I was so glad I got to read this Torah portion, B’reishit, because I thought it was going to be easy …  easy to find, because it's the first portion from the entire Torah. It has short verses and a lot of repetition - “ va yomer/and G-d said”,...Read more...

Jocelyn's d'var - parshat Ki Tavo

09/27/2023 01:05:27 PM


You may have noticed during my parshah even if you don’t understand Hebrew, that I repeated the phrase: V’amar kol ha'am, amen many times. You may wonder why that is. The phrase means “and all the people shall say 'Amen'.” I will talk about this more in a minute...Read more...


08/30/2023 07:19:55 PM


Just a week ago, I was in Acadia National Park in Maine for a two-week-long marine biology sleepaway camp. On the very last day, one of my friends and I had a conversation that I’ve been thinking about.
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” I asked. 
“I’m not really...

Ava's d'var - parshat shoftim

08/28/2023 11:27:50 AM


As a person who can be a little bit quick to judge, I find it slightly ironic that the name of my Torah portion is Shoftim, which in Hebrew means Judges. Maybe it’s not ironic, maybe it was meant to be. Before I get into the analysis of my portion and what it means to me,...Read more...

nora's d'var - parshat noach

08/26/2023 03:11:09 PM


Isn’t it wonderful that a girl who loves animals so much got to do a Torah portion that is all about them?!

My Torah portion is from Genesis chapter 6, it is about the story of Noach.

Noach lived in a time when the earth was corrupt...Read more...

Jo's d'var torah - parshat Va'etchanan

07/25/2023 09:44:44 AM


In my Torah portion the Israelites are about to come into the promised land. Moses is making a long series of speeches right before he dies, because, as we know from this Torah portion, he won’t be coming into the promised land with them. 

In the part that I...

ella's D’var Torah - Parashat Balak

07/03/2023 09:00:06 AM


While sometimes my voice is pretty quiet, and people can’t hear me well, I still have a voice, and thoughts to share. Having a voice and being heard is something that, most of the time, we probably take for granted. But as you will soon hear, it is worth reflecting upon...Read more...

ada's d'var torah - parshat beha'alotcha

06/26/2023 05:25:35 PM


Let me start off by saying that I don’t believe in God. But surprisingly enough, I’ve found that it doesn't matter. Before I talk about that, I’m going to give you a quick summary of my Torah Portion. 

My Torah portion is called Parshat Beha’ alotcha and...

lev's d'var torah - parshat Re'eh

06/26/2023 05:07:40 PM


Shabbat Shalom - 

So last week I got this email from the Rabbi - He wrote:

Dear Lev,
I LOVE your d'var Torah!
It is very intellectual and thoughtful. 
I'd like to see a few things though:
Spice up the beginning...

bobbi rood's d'var - parshat ki tisa

03/29/2023 03:38:28 PM


A Few Words on Words and Torah 

When I first started thinking of having a Bat Mitzvah Rabbi David said, FIRST, you have to learn to read Hebrew. Hebrew is a difficult language to learn. First you have to learn to read it without context. Then you learn...Read more...

manny's d'var torah - parshat Sh'lach l'cha

02/08/2023 07:38:27 PM


In my Torah portion, Parashat Sh’lach L’cha, which is found in the book of Numbers, chapter 13: verses 21-33, the Jews have escaped from Egypt and are now coming across the desert to the promised land, or the Land of Israel. G-d tells Moses to send scouts into Israel, a representative from...Read more...

zeke's d'var torah - parshat bechukotai

02/08/2023 07:28:32 PM


Have you ever done something simply out of fear? For example, not doing homework because of fear of getting a bad grade, or doing a chore because you don’t want to get in trouble with your parents, face consequences, or having fear of a bad reputation. Not doing things one...Read more...

ben's d'var torah - parshat Beha'alotcha

02/08/2023 07:26:09 PM


My portion ( Beha’alotcha ) is from chapter 8 verses 1-12 the book of Numbers, which is the fourth book of the torah. The name means the mounting of the menorah. Some of the things that happen in my Torah portion include how to create the seven branch menorah and how to...Read more...

etta's d'var torah - parshat acharei mot

07/07/2022 03:42:26 PM


Don’t we have a lot to talk about today! The Torah, from which I read today, is also called the 5 Books of Moses. In the Jewish religion, we read the Torah over the course of the Jewish year; starting with Genesis and moving on through Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and...Read more...

Tzedek's D'var torah - parshat vayetzei

11/19/2021 10:57:33 PM


Parashat Vayetzei | Leo Baeck College  

My Torah portion is Vayetzei and is from Genesis 28:10-32:3.  In it, Jacob traveled to Haran in search of his uncle Laban. On the way there, he has a dream about angels...Read more...

Cyrus's D'var torah - parshat toldot

11/19/2021 10:51:37 PM


5 Powerful Insights From the Rebbe - Toldot - From the Rebbe's Talks -  Parshah

My Torah Portion is called Toldot in the book of Bereisheet/Genesis.  In my Torah Portion we are...Read more...

Ruby's Devar Torah parshat lech lecha

10/21/2021 06:49:49 AM


Table for Five: Lech Lecha

The oppression of the Israelites by the Pharaoh of Egypt was a tortuous time, the idea of slavery itself is horrific, and yet Abraham’s reaction was indifferent. You...Read more...

Ben's D'var Torah - parshat Lech Lecha

10/21/2021 06:45:47 AM


Parsha Lech-Lecha | Go Forth and Circumcise - Without A Path

In our Torah portion Lech Lecha, we learn about the covenant God made with Abram, the change of Abram and Sarai's name, and the birth of Ishmael. At the beginning of the...Read more...

rebecca's d'var torah - parshat Chukat

07/16/2021 02:30:39 PM


Shabbat Shalom.  So, in my Torah portion, God spoke to Moses and Aaron and told them how to purify stuff. He said: “You need a red cow. Then, give it to the priest. He’ll brutally murder it and sprinkle its blood 7 times. Then, burn it, all of it, even its dung. Throw...Read more...

Noa & scarlett's Divrei torah parshat beha'alotcha

05/30/2021 05:32:38 PM


From Scarlett:   
Is complaining bad? That is a great question. Complaining happens a lot in the Torah and especially in my Torah portion here is what some rabbis have to say about complaining in my portion.

Rabbi Judah identifies the moment of...

joe's D'var Torah - parshat b'midbar

05/16/2021 05:22:58 PM


The portion I just chanted from the Book of Numbers is the first portion from that book and is called B’Midbar.  It opens by telling us that on the first day of the second month two years following the exodus from Egypt, G-d orders Moses to take a census. It is not a...Read more...

eliana's d'var torah - parshat vayetze

12/02/2020 02:41:16 PM


Thank you so much for spending some time with me this Saturday morning. I know some of you are still enjoying turkey and stuffing. For my part, I’ve had enough mashed potatoes to last two quarantines. Thank you to Cantor Paul and Saul in Florida and Ayelet and Rabbi David here for...Read more...

Marley's d'var torah - parshat noach

11/05/2020 04:11:05 PM



My parshah, or Torah Portion, tells the story of Noah.  Most everyone knows the story of “Noah and the Ark”.  You know about the Ark, the great flood, and the animals that came on in twosie, twosies. Studying this parshah I learned that there is so much more to question and...Read more...

Asa's d'var Torah - parshat re'eh

09/13/2020 12:46:14 PM



Today, I am going to talk with you about what it takes to build a strong community by taking care of each other,  especially in times of suffering.  In my Torah portion,  Parashat Re’eh,  Moses gives the people of Israel his last...Read more...

ruby's d'var torah - parshat re'eh

08/11/2020 11:33:28 PM


The Torah refers to the five books of Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The five books of Moses tell a story, the story of the creation of the world, the story of the Jews breaking free from the Egyptians and wandering the desert for 40 years before...Read more...

sammy's d'var torah - parshat Shelach Lecha

08/11/2020 11:27:33 PM


Milan - Detail From Facade Of Duomo - The Spies Return From.. Stock Photo,  Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image 15005192.

My Torah portion which I just read, Shelach Lecha,...

Thu, January 23 2025 23 Tevet 5785