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One year prior to the mitzvah ceremony

Meet with mitzvah coordinator to review requirements, choose a date and a time for the ceremony (morning or afternoon), and get familiar with the Mitzvah! program.

Begin the planning process for any celebration that will take place after the ceremony, including reserving a location, creating a guest list, and identifying individuals who will receive special honors during the service.  (See Guide for Planning your Special Event)

Enroll child in the Mitzvah! program.

Student should be thinking about and working on their mitzvah project.

Six months prior to  mitzvah ceremony

The  mitzvah coordinator will be in touch with you to let you know how your child is doing in the preparation process.  At this point, additional tutoring may be recommended. 

Arrange for private tutoring for your child.  Please note that there will be additional fees for tutors that are paid directly to the tutor.  All arrangements for these payments are separate from any other fees associated with the mitzvah ceremony at JCOGS.

Meet with the office manager to discuss the logistics and building use needs for the day of the ceremony and to review charges associated with the use of the building.

Begin to think about what assistance you may need from your Mitzvah Family Buddy and the other families. 

Three months prior to the mitzvah ceremony

Make appointments for you and your child to meet with the rabbi to discuss the service and the d’var Torah and to schedule the mitzvah rehearsal.

Assign Torah honors and get the completed Torah honors list (including Hebrew names where required) to the rabbi.

Communicate  building need arrangements and cleanup plan to the  mitzvah coordinator who will provide an estimate of building use fees.  

Make sure all membership dues are paid and arrangements are made for making a donation to the rabbi’s discretionary fund or make a financial aid request through the office.

Order a talit. During the service, the parents or members of the family will present a talit (prayer shawl) to their child that they can use for this ceremony and during the coming years.  This can be a talit that once belonged to a family member, one that is purchased especially for this occasion, or one that is handmade. During the presentation of the talit, the student will say a special prayer but parents may want to say a few words first.

Communicate with your Mitzvah Family Buddy to make sure they know what you will need from them on the day or week of your child’s  mitzvah.

Order kippot (optional). 

One month prior to the mitzvah ceremony

Make arrangements with the  mitzvah coordinator to schedule two rehearsals in the sanctuary.

Finalize your building use plans and communicate them to the  mitzvah coordinator.

Order a challah. Wine and candy are provided by JCOGS.

Create and arrange to print a program that can communicate whatever information you wish to communicate to your guests about the service, the  mitzvah ceremony, your child, and your thoughts about the day. This is optional; if you choose to create one, the mitzvah coordinator has samples for you to use as a template.  

Have a conversation with your Mitzvah Family Buddy to communicate your needs for the day of the ceremony.

 Week of the mitzvah ceremony

Make sure all set up/clean-up and kiddush/luncheon plans have been communicated to JCOGS and make sure your Mitzvah Family Buddy knows how they can help you.

Bring your child to JCOGS for a final rehearsal.

Share JCOGS photography guidelines with your photographer.

If appropriate, check in with florist/caterer to confirm delivery date and time and communicate these details to the JCOGS administrator so that someone is at the building when they arrive.

Review the blessing before the reading of the Torah and the blessing read afterwards so you are prepared for your Aliyah.

Finalize your blessing to your child.

Make arrangements to get the kippot, programs, and challah to the synagogue.

Day of the mitzvah ceremony

Get your child to the synagogue at least one hour before the ceremony is scheduled to begin.

Welcome your guests.

Relax and enjoy the day.


Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784