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Student expectations

Students are expected to attend all weekly Mitzvah! class meetings. You will learn to:

Read and chant between six and twelve verses of Torah

Write and deliver a d'var Torah

Learn the prayers 

Participate in weekly tutoring sessions

Complete a social action mitzvah project  


Students are also expected to invite their Mitzvah! classmates to both the service and any post-mitzvah celebrations.

Families are strongly encouraged to attend Friday night services in advance of their child’s mitzvah ceremony. This is not only a way to become familiar with the prayers, but is a wonderful way to develop a relationship with the rabbi and other members of the JCOGS community.  In addition during the Friday night service before the mitzvah ceremony the student will be asked to lead prayers along with the rabbi. In addition the family will receive a special blessing. Families may also sponsor the oneg for that Friday evening.

Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784