RECAP of MITZVAH DAY Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy through Tikkun Olam–JCOGS Mitzvah Day Over 50 JCOGS members gathered to honor Dr. King’s legacy through acts of service: donating winter gear, cooking for shelters, fixing things around JCOGS, making Tikkun Olam t-shirts, supporting the UCC warming shelter*, Chesed calling and visiting dozens of members, purchasing maple syrup to support our efforts, and an inspiring soup supper. Read all about Mitzvah Day here.
*Our commitment to the UCC Warming Center has reached the high notes: JCOGS will continue to support this Tikkun Olam effort on Monday afternoons from 1-3pm, with Hot Soup & Music. If you want to support and/or participate on-site, please contact Patti Rubin, (
We're so excited for super summer fun! M-F | July 14-18 | 9am-4pm For 5-9 year olds Including snacks, lunch, stories with Rabbi David, swimming in the river, sports, crafts, and so much more! Deganiah will be our lead counselor again! For more details and to reserve your spot (places are limited!) Click here
Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 3, for the "Raise the Roof" gala supporting the Lamoille Community House—the year-round homeless shelter in our county. As part of JCOGS Tikkun Olam, email to help support this essential organization by:
Cooking with JCOGS community members and delivering food to the shelter
Helping with the Raise the Roof silent auction
Many thanks to the Mitzvah Day Project leads: Amy May, Sarah Calvo, Shelly Citron, Stacy Burnstein, Anna Westervelt, Leah Bluestone, Ayla Oshkello, Susan Bauchner, Olam Chesed kids, Amy Hoskins, Sephirah Oshkello, Ellana Kent, Karen Stewart, Barb Sokolow, Amy Wenger, Patti Rubin, Judith Wine, Amy Rosenthal, Lynne Gedanken, Ryan Erickson, Sara Lourie, Deb Black, Alison Link, and EVERYONE who participated.