cooking for local shelters: We have enough chefs for this day, but please contact if you are interested in this ongoing project.
Visiting or calling JCOGS members through our Chesed Circle of Care
Supporting other JCOGS initiatives
Volunteering at the UCC Morrisville Church warming Shelter
Baking with kids!
Creating Tikkun Olam Tshirts
Donating, sorting and delivering winter gear to local agencies
Helping with the Community Soup Meal (or just attending)
*Support our winter gear collection drive by bringing donations of gently used: general winter gear, men and women's pants, winter boots and snow pants all sizes, sneakers and hiking boots, bath towels, washcloths, and hand towels to any of our JCOGS MITZVAH DAY service locations.
Community Simple Soup Meal: Nourishing the Dream Monday, January 20, 4:30-6pm All are welcome—both from JCOGS and the wider community—as we come together in the spirit of unity and service to enjoy a heartwarming meal of vegetarian soups, breads, and desserts, lovingly prepared by our members and other volunteers.
Rabbi Replay
WatchorReadRabbi David's D'var Torah Sermon entitiled G-d in the midst of Suffering from the Shabbat Service on 1/10/2025 ~~~
Watch a Stowe Community Church service from this past Sunday as members of SCC and JCOGS reflect on an incredibly special moment in our Interfaith Israel trip to the Holy Land, entitled “Stories from the Jordan River,” at minute 26:30 with remarks by Pastor Dan Haugh, and then participants' stories beginning at 32:00, including from Bobbi Rood and Jordy and Diana Hershman.
This Sunday at the 10am service, Rabbi David gives the sermon at St. John's in the Mountains Episcopal Church
Our hearts break for the lives and property lost in the LA fires. If you would like to donate to JFEDLA Wildfire crisis relief, click here.
Kinderlach and Gesher is now TOT SHABBAT! Young families join Rabbi David and Beth for a sweet Shabbat morning of song, story, dance, and play with Shabbasaurus and Tzipi the Curious Bird. Followed by a lite nosh.
What do you get when you combine thirteen Jewish teenagers, 15 inches of snow, glow-in-the-dark frisbees, and snowshoes? A LOT of FUN! JCOGS teens hosted friends from Ohavi Zedek on Saturday, January 11, for a wonderful day of board games, snowshoe obstacle races, glow-in-the-dark frisbee and tag, and meeting with Noah Dines to hear about his year of record-breaking uphill skiing.
Ryan Erickson for fixing broken things around JCOGS
Eli Rosenberg and Jillan Cantor for helping with cleanup after the “Stowe Day” teen event; and Barb Sokolow for helping spread the word
Judith Wine, Shoshanah Frieden, Sara Lourie, and Margie Dannenberg for all their help in the kitchen
Special thank you to Josh Wolfgang and the great staff at Pinnacle for loaning 9 pairs of snowshoes for the teen event!