Activites include: • Cooking and baking for local shelters • Donating, sorting, and delivering winter gear to local agencies • Creating Tikkun Olam T-shirts • Visiting or calling JCOGS members through our Chesed Circle of Care • Helping with the community soup meal (or just attending!) • Volunteering at the UCC Morrisville Church warming shelter • Supporting other JCOGS initiatives
*Support our winter gear collection drive by bringing donations of gently used: general winter gear, men and women's pants, winter boots and snow pants all sizes, sneakers and hiking boots, bath towels, washcloths, and hand towels to any of our JCOGS MITZVAH DAY service locations.
Community Simple Soup Meal: Nourishing the Dream Monday, January 20, 4:30-6pm All are welcome—both from JCOGS and the wider community—as we come together in the spirit of unity and service to enjoy a heartwarming meal of vegetarian soups, breads, and desserts, lovingly prepared by our members and other volunteers.
Rabbi Replay
Watch or Read Rabbi David's D'var Torah Sermon entitiled From sibling rivalry to transformation from 1/3/2025 ~~~
Rabbi David will deliver the invocation preceding Governer Phil Scott's speech immediately following the inaugural ceremony in Montpelier this Thursday, January 9, at 2 PM. The event will be livestreamed on WCAX, NBC5, and Orca Media.
JCOGS teens host friends from Ohavi Zedek and other VT/NH teens. Lots of great activities planned as well as Havdalah with skiing world record holder Noah Dines.
Judith Wine and Jodi Silverman for organizing the shed on a cold, cold day.