Celebrate 2nd night Seder with Rabbi David, Rabbinic Intern Emmanuel Cantor and your JCOGS family. EXTRA LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE. Online registration is closed so please call Laura in the office at 802-253-1800 or emailjcogs@jcogs.org to reserve your seat/s at the Seder table. Click here for details and a full menu.
Yizkor Memorial Service for Final Night of Passover with Rabbi David ONLINE ONLY Tuesday, April 30, 5:45-6;30pm Click here to register
Teens NYC Trip
Three intrepid JCOGS teens, Ella, Fiona, and Manny, joined the Jew Crew of Kol haEmek (Upper Valley Jewish Community) and teens from Shir Shalom (Woodstock) for an amazing, whirlwind visit to NYC. We toured a private exhibit of tapestries created by a Holocaust survivor, went to services at Temple Israel, took a food tour of the Lower East Side, explored Ellis Island, ate a kosher Chinese dinner, saw a Broadway show, and wrapped it all up with a visit to the famous Zabar's food emporium. Incredible memories and fast friendships were made and we can't wait to get together again! Clickherefor more pictures.
Rabbi David, Alison, and family invite you into their home for a Pesach springtime gathering to reconnect and celebrate chag. If you haven't yet had the opportunity to taste Rabbi David's famous fried matzah, now's your chance! Click here for more info and to register
K&G Passover Palooza Saturday, April 27, 10:00-11:30am It's Pesach and we're celebrating the holiday of freedom. Rabbi David is back! Join us for games, story, music and delcious matzah brei! Bring your favorite stuffie to dance and play with Tzipi the curious bird and Gamal the camel. For families with children from birth to 6 years old.
Family & Friends Community Shabbat and Final Mitzvah Class Celebration Saturday, May 4, 10:00am-12:00pm The JCOGS community comes together for a special Shabbat morning. Join us as we celebrate the end of an amazing year of ahavah/love with Rabbi David, the Mitzvah class, and Olam Chesed Club as we say farewell and thank you to Rabbinic Intern Emmanuel Cantor.
Yom Hashoah
The Jewish Community of Greater Stowe (JCOGS), in cooperation with Vermont Holocaust Memorial, will host the stirring Vermont Stage community performance of James Still’s:
And Then They Came for Me Remembering the World of Anne Frank At a time when hate crimes and anti-Semitism are on the rise, and authoritarianism is gaining traction around the globe, this is a story for everyone.
SUNDAY, MAY 5th | 4:00PM - 6:30PM YOM HASHOAH - HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY COMMEMORATION This event is free and open to the public, and is suitable for Grades 6 and up.
PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED (CLICK HERE) Only those who register in advance will be admitted.
ONEG: Edee Simon Israel,Barbara Sokoloff, Karen Stewart, Patti Rubin.
Passover Office Closure Dates: April 23, 24, 29 and 30 No Mah Jongg at JCOGS on April 23 or April 30